Formative and Summative Examinations
For every course Continuous Assessments (formative) are carried out using different assessment strategies and tools. These include supervised class tests, tutor marked assignments, case studies and mini projects, quizzes and reports based on assignments. In Module levels formative assessment will be performed through automatically corrected questions. In addition, all the courses will have a written final examination (summative) at the end of the semester. The research project will be supervised and evaluated by internal and external resource persons.
Scheme of Grading
Grades are assigned for a course based on the Overall Assessment Mark (Z), which is computed by averaging the Overall Continuous Assessment Mark (X) and Final Examination Mark (Y). That is:
Z = 0.5X + 0.5Y
The following table indicates the Grading System of the study programme as applied by the Partner Institutions in respect of the courses offered by them. Grades A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, and C+ shall constitute pass grades by all Partner Institutions.
MarksRange(Z) | Grade | GradePointValue(GPV) |
100-85 | A+ | 4.00 |
80-84 | A | 4.00 |
75-79 | A- | 3.70 |
70-74 | B+ | 3.30 |
65-69 | B | 3.00 |
60-64 | B- | 2.70 |
55-59 | C+ | 2.30 |
50-54 | C | 2.00 |
45-49 | C- | 1.70 |
40-44 | D+ | 1.30 |
20-39 | D | 1.00 |
00-19 | E | 0.00 |
Calculation of Grade Point Average
Grade Point Average is computed considering all the courses in all four semesters as follows.
GPA=(ΣCredit Value * GPV)/ΣCredit Value
Contribution by Each Semester
The contribution by each semester to final GPA is 100%
Requirements for Award of The Degree
For the award of the degree of Master of Science in Energy for Circular Economy, a student needs to obtain at least C+ grade for all core and elective courses and for the research amounting to a total of 60 credits.